We provide assessment and therapy services to children in early childhood and up to the end of primary school with a range of speech, language and communication needs. Our team of dedicated speech pathologists provide a family-centred approach to support your child with building their skills to become confident, effective communicators.
We know that children learn best through play and exploration and strive to make our therapy sessions fun, meaningful and supportive.
We aim to support your child’s communication in different education settings so we offer childcare, kinder and school visits to provide therapy, demonstrate strategies and consult with educators.
We are registered providers of the NDIS.
Please contact us on 1300 787 404 to discuss how we can help.

Lego™ Club is a fun, Lego™-themed group that is designed to build the social competence of children with autism spectrum disorder and social communication difficulties. Through participation in Lego™ Club children learn and practice a range of social skills such as:
- working in a team
- sharing and turn-taking
- negotiating appropriately with peers
- giving and listening to instructions
- using eye contact and appropriate body language
- having conversations
- enjoying playing together to achieve a goal