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Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention program, delivered by a trained Early Years educator to small groups of children aged 3-4 years old that have delayed language. The intervention helps to boost their language skills to help narrow the gap between them and their peers. 

Early Talk Boost uses a language tracker so that children are assessed at the beginning and end of the intervention to monitor their progress.

Early Talk Boost is implemented three times a week for 9 weeks. Each group session takes approximately 15 minutes and is conducted with small groups of children (up to 8 in a group).


The skills covered in Early Talk Boost are:

•Attention and Listening

•Understanding of Language

•Speaking skills

•Personal, social and emotional skills


The Early Talk Boost program includes a comprehensive resource kit containing:

•Early Talk Boost Intervention Manual with a teaching script for every session

•Early Talk Boost Teacher Manual including pre/post tracker

•Parent Workshop Materials

•Early Talk Boost Kit Bag (includes objects / toys)

•Stickers and certificates

•10 x 8 Jack and Tizzy Story Books


Evaluation showed that after Early Talk Boost, children make statistically significant progress in their early language. On average they make 6 months progress after a nine-week intervention helping them to catch up with other children their age. This is twice the amount of progress of children not having the intervention. 


The Early Talk Boost training is a one-day course.


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