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The Phonological Awareness Program:Foundation gives students structured and explicit practice with specific phonological awareness skills. The program will provide students with a solid foundation of sound awareness skills upon which they can build their literacy knowledge.

Program Structure

The program is delivered to students over twelve sessions. The sessions may be run several times per week depending upon the school timetable. The program can be implemented with individual students, small groups or as a whole class.

The program targets the following skills:

  • Mouth movements for sounds
  • Identifying initial / medial / final sounds
  • Blending sounds to identify words
  • Segmenting words into sounds
  • Sound - letter links

Each session includes:

  • The introduction of focus sounds and corresponding letters
  • Mouth movements for focus sounds
  • Identifying sounds in word position
  • Blending sounds to identify words
  • Segmenting words into syllables and sounds

The manual includes:

  • Pre / post-test to measure student progress
  • Detailed instructions to introduce each activity
  • Prompts to use if students have difficulty with a specific skill
  • Resources for all activities

The program includes an extension of a further eight weeks of phonological awareness skills to continue to develop your students' skills in this area.


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